Wednesday, July 30, 2008

29 July 08

Today I was fully able to relate to a song that used to get alot of airplay on the university radio station, BFM during my alternative years in Auckland. I can't remember what it was called but it was all about McDonald's hallowed golden arched M.

Our morning started off serenely enough with the children plonked in front of the ABC channel but knowing they couldn't watch tele all day I decided it would be fun to go to Harbour Town. Considering Harbour Town is a discount shopping outlet the boys didn't exactly jump for joy at the prospect until I threw in unlimited playtime at the really cool McDonald's there. Thanks to the really really cool helicopter in the kids area I managed to sip a flat white in it's entirety and read a magazine from cover to cover for the first time ever uninterrupted. Then I noticed a little boy about to bash my boys and by the looks of things my boys weren't shy in going two against one. My cue to haul them out and hit the shops. Now shopping with the Vernal boys always involves lollies. Basically I have to buy a bag of them and then I have the time it takes Josh, Dan and Paul if he's with us, to scoff them in which to do my shopping. A bit of conundrum really because if I buy a big bag I then have hypo monsters to deal with but if I buy a little bag I get five minutes retail therapy. Seeing as we had to catch the bus home I opted for a small bag. Despite this I managed to get what I wanted and we headed out for the bus stop. After an age a yellow bus pulled up and hauling the boys on board I asked the driver if he went near Ahern Street in Labrador to which he replied, "Shruffr." Now seeing as my children were already seated and I had by this time folded the pram down I took this to be a yes. In hindsight I think what he actually said was, "Surfers." After the scenic tour of the Gold Coast we eventually wound up down by Australia Fair. A wee walk from home but not a problem on my own. Hard yakka however with Dan sitting on Josh's knee in the stroller and muggins pushing them. At last I spied the golden arched M that signalled we were nearly home and such was my joy I veered in and bought the boys an icecream. Tomorrow will be a Maccers free day!

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