Friday, July 4, 2008

5 July 08

Mum and Dad arrived home safe and sound from their jet-setting last Wednesday. I am still trying to get my head around the image of my Mum and Dad on a desert safari in Dubai but they lived to tell the tale and loved it. They were wrapped to be home for the first five minutes because Paul has painted the kitchen and laundry for them while they have been away (made up for the itemized list of breakages I gave them). However with an icing sugar snow cover over the Oxford foothills and after having just spent a fun week frolicking in the sun with Paul’s folks on the Gold Coast Mum now is constantly muttering about moving over there.
Enough about them though, with only four days left until we head for sunnier shores Paul and I had to drive into town to tidy a few ends up at our Solicitors. We decided to milk Mum and Dad having been off duty for the past 3 months and asked them to watch the boys for the afternoon. I pleaded my case, “How can we possibly pay attention to all the vital documentation we will be signing if we arrive at the lawyers looking like the Brady Bunch?” As it happened despite not having the children as an excuse for lack of concentration I nearly signed our lives away anyway. I was too busy reminiscing about my past life spent poncing around town as a legal secretary to give Aaron, our ever patient solicitor and my old workmate a chance to explain to me exactly what it was I was signing.
Do you remember what I said about having morphed into Tracksuit Pant woman since we’ve been in Oxford? Well I decided a trip into town was a good excuse to get out of said track pants and into a skirt for the first time in six months. I had had enough of Paul calling me mountain woman and I wanted to be hot wife for the afternoon. Who cares that I had to stand in front of him and ask, “Did you notice I am wearing a skirt?” I felt great. There was a definite sway in my hips as I marched into Kearney & Co the scene of my last paid employment. Trinny and Suze are so right when they go on about making a bit of an effort because I felt fantastic. So what if I couldn’t find a pair of tights and had to wear my black long johns stuffed into my boots under my skirt? I think it’s high time I dropped the, “Well I am in the country now so who cares?” or the, “You’ve got to be practical when you have little ones.” excuses. Just last Friday I went to an end of term pre-school party for Josh and Dan and spied a Mum decked out in a black wrap dress and high heeled boots. Did I think she looked over the top? No I thought she looked terrific…Bitch. Having said that though I am not quite ready to relinquish my trackies entirely and I shall be taking them to the Gold Coast. Well I am going to need them aren’t I? You know for all that jogging along the waterfront that I am going to do or more to the point the lounging around with a glass of vino once the boys are in bed!

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