Sunday, August 17, 2008

18 August 08

Goodmorning, well I started the morning seriously motivated and went for a run down the beach front. I am over all the skinny blonde women they all look the same anyway and I figure it does the general Gold Coast community good to see what a real woman's bum looks like when she goes for a jog! Josh's words of wisdom this morning were, "Mummy I am angry about something." "What's that then?" I replied as he came out of the bathroom. "I am angry because my poose is green." He answered looking very concerned about the situation.I assured him it was probably down to the green iced donut he had the other day and he ran off happily. Meanwhile Daniel was strutting around in a pair of heavy duty flanel underpants. I have decided to bite the bullet and start toilet training. Judging by the fact he peed his pants approximately 15 minutes after donning them I think it is going to be a slow process. Oh well at least the weather's good to get all that extra washing dry. Paul's back at work this morning after having all of last week off mind you with a 9am start you could hardly say he is hard at it. He has nearly finished his 1000 piece jigsaw thank goodness! It was beginning to cause marital disharmony because every time I finished doing martyr bit ie emptying the dishwasher or hanging out the washing he was too busy doing his jigsaw to notice. Jigsaw aside we had a really fun week last week. Thursday saw us up and at it and on the road to Brisbane by 7.30am. We were off to the EKKA, Brisbanes huge A&P Show. As arranged we met our old friend Kath from our Ireland days along with her new hubby, Mike and their wee boy Luke. Do you know what I love about good friends? The fact that it doesn't matter if it has been 6 months or five years since you last saw each other when you meet up again it's like you saw each other yesterday. The highlight of the EKKA was the showbags. Showbags being massively discounted goodybags. I bought my own personal shipment of knockoff perfume while the boys thought Christmas had come early with M&M goody bags. Needless to say we paid for all that sugar consumption on the way home with Daniel screaming all the way down the freeway that he wanted to go to McDonalds. On Saturday another good pal from our Ireland days came down from Brisbane with her partner, Monique and their two boys for a picnic on the beach. Twas lovely to catch up. Last night I heated up one of Pam and Bob's frozen $4.95 ham & pineapply Pizza Hut pizzas, wrapped it in a towel and we headed down to the lagoon for tea. Once the boys had eaten their oh so healthy dinner they charged round like loonies while Paul and I kicked back with a glass of red each and listened to music courtesy of a drug and alcohol free event being held nearby, funny how all the party goers looked pissed! Anyway it was one of those perfect family moments where you look at your kids and your hubby and think all is great in the world. We all need one of those every now and then to keep us going!

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