Friday, September 26, 2008

27 September 2008

Well our house-sitting stint has nearly come to an end and with just under one week left on the Gold Coast I thought it was time to reflect on the highs and lows of life in sunny Queensland. It has been such a great opportunity to experience living in this part of Australia. Of course having a smart townhouse only one block back from the broad water to stay in and a car waiting for us in the garage, not to mention a fully stocked freezer has gone a long way to making it a fantastic experience! Thanks Pam and Bob.
Initially I think the thing that worried me most about upping sticks for 3 months was not having my usual support network of preschool, friends and family for the boys. It has been so great though, once we got over the initial hiccups of settling in, having all this wonderful time with them. Not just for me but for Paul too especially with Josh starting school next year. Having said that Rosalie's baby-sitting services have been much appreciated! I am no longer number one playmate because Josh and Dan have got each other and it has been an eyeopener as to how little children actually need to be happy; their Mum, Dad and a bucket n spade. Oh and the ABC for Kids channel helps too. Today I sat them both up at the bench with a bowl each and helped them make a double batch of chocolate chippies. Oh and did I mention I am a dab hand at whipping up play dough. I know, I know Mrs Mummy of the Year but we have had to make our own fun and it has been fun.

Definite Highs:

1. The brightness of the colours. The purples, reds, pinks, yellows and oranges of the flowers are so sharply in focus and it is infinitely cheering to wake up to a cloudless, blue sky.
2. Being so close to the water. It is a motivator and even though I can no longer be called marathon woman (the jogging is dead in the water), hardly a day has gone by I haven't gotten a walk in along the broad water. Speaking of which that brings me to point number 3.
3. Turning heads as I trot down the broad water. I don't care if they did turn slowly because they belonged to pension pushing Lotharios. It was still nice to be eyed up even if I do suspect the reason for this was my newly increased bust size (we wont mention the corresponding butt and tum size). My jiggling assets go down a treat in the land of the boob job.
The amazing variety of bird life.
Our beach BBQ dinners.
The fantastic fenced in, sun-shaded kids parks.
Simple picnics.
Catching up with friends and family has been fab.
Discovering the Gold Coast's hinterland.
Oh and Daisy when she is being good which unfortunately is not much at the moment as we have had to put her on a bit of a crash diet before her Mum and Dad get back. It's made her a bit cranky.

Definite Lows:

Number one on my list has to be Gold Coast bus drivers. Until you have attempted seating two kids while trying to fold up a stroller and hold onto your bags all while the bus takes off at breakneck speed you just won't be able to relate.
The podgy toy snatcher from playgroup who whenever she spies my boys having fun stampedes over and ruins the game. I wont mention the feeding frenzy she goes into when anything sugary is put out at morning tea time. (I know our Dan has his moments too but hey he's mine and he's very cute).
Mosquitoes – we are all covered in bites.
The abundance of bogan hoons thinking they are auditioning for the upcoming Indy and I thought Christchurch was bad.
Daisy when she is howling round the house in the small hours.

Despite the fact the many highs outweigh the lows I am still looking forward to heading home next week even if it is only for 11 days. I can't wait to see Mum and Dad and the boys are just itching to get on the Jetstar plane and to go 'home on the range' as Dan calls his grandparents house. As for Paul well he will be reunited with his babies at 29 Peverel Street. The other night on the tele Getaway was on and they announced their 'Country of the Year'. It was New Zealand and sitting there watching all the amazing things there are to see and do in our country despite the crap weather made us appreciate Godzone that much more. See you soon.

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